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Welcome to Global Education (GE), your dedicated partner in educational innovation, development, and management. At GE, we pride ourselves on our diverse and expert teams, well-versed in educational technology, online and blended learning, pedagogy, teacher professional development, and educational change management.

Our vision at GE is to cultivate smart, collaborative, and high-quality learning environments that prioritize the well-being of schools. We strive to create a culture that nurtures a growth mindset, critical and creative thinking, innovation, and sustainability. This is achieved through the effective utilization of modern and adaptive lifelong learning methodologies and technologies. We emphasize continuous professional development for teachers and advocate for agile school management, all aimed at producing a future-proof, market-ready generation of graduates who are not only academically proficient but also socially responsible citizens.

Diversity, excellence, and innovation are the core values that drive us at GE. We firmly believe in the transformative power of diversity, recognizing its impact on success and collective creativity. To harness this potential, we offer pedagogical and technological solutions that cater to the varied needs of learners. Our commitment extends beyond mere academic achievement; we focus on character development, instilling principles of excellence and high quality in every learner.

At GE, we champion a culture of innovation, understanding that it can only be achieved by building a new generation of learners with a growth mindset and an assertively positive personality. Our approach values diversity and multiple perspectives, cultivating modern skill sets that encompass independent critical and creative thinking, sound leadership, digital literacy, and social-emotional skills.

Join us on a journey to reshape education for a dynamic, interconnected world. Discover the GE advantage as we empower learners to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of the 21st century.

Who Are We?

Global Education (GE), is a cutting-edge firm at the forefront of educational innovation, development, and management. At GE, we are proud to house dynamic teams with specialized expertise in educational technology, online and blended learning, pedagogy, teacher professional development, and educational change management.

Our visionary approach at GE is centered around fostering smart, collaborative, and high-quality learning experiences within a nurturing and healthy school environment. Our mission is to cultivate a culture that embraces a growth mindset, critical and creative thinking, innovation, and sustainability. We achieve this by deploying modern and adaptive lifelong learning methodologies and technologies, ensuring continuous professional development for teachers, and advocating for agile school management practices. The ultimate goal is to shape a future-proof, market-ready generation of graduates who not only excel academically but also emerge as socially responsible citizens.

Diversity, excellence, and innovation form the bedrock of GE's core values. We recognize the transformative power of diversity on success and collective creativity. To unlock this potential, GE provides pedagogical and technological solutions tailored to the unique needs of learners. Our commitment extends beyond academic proficiency to the development of principled character, instilling a sense of excellence and high quality in every learner.

GE believes in the symbiotic relationship between pedagogical and technological solutions, coupled with continuous professional development for teachers and administrators. This integrated approach equips learners with rigor, academic excellence, and principled character. Moreover, our firm conviction is that a culture of innovation can only flourish by cultivating a new generation of learners with a growth mindset, an assertively positive personality that respects diversity and multiple perspectives, and a modern skill set that encompasses independent critical and creative thinking, sound leadership, digital literacy, and social-emotional skills.

Embark on a transformative journey with GE as we redefine education for the 21st century, shaping the leaders and innovators of tomorrow. Experience the GE advantage, where excellence, diversity, and innovation converge to create an unparalleled educational ecosystem.

What We Do?

Global Education (GE) is dedicated to empowering educational institutions by delivering customized services that catalyze an innovative and modern change management process. Our mission is to revolutionize traditional education into smart, blended, and individualized learning experiences. We focus on enriching curricula with essential core competencies, ICT skills, effective evaluation methodologies, and foreign language proficiency. Simultaneously, GE provides cutting-edge technological solutions and educational resources while prioritizing the professional development of teachers. Our comprehensive approach extends beyond academics, offering rewarding opportunities for learners to foster a growth mindset within a collaborative learning environment that safeguards their overall well-being. Additionally, we work to enhance the school's brand and digital presence.

At Global Education, our commitment extends throughout the entire transformation process, starting from identifying areas for development within educational institutions. We collaborate with schools to craft improvement plans tailored to their specific needs and implement these plans while providing comprehensive services, coaching, and support. The transformative impact of this gradual change process typically becomes evident within 3 to 5 years of implementation.

Our partnership development process with schools is a meticulous journey. It begins with a due diligence process, followed by the creation of a bespoke proposal that tailors GE services to the specific requirements of each school. This process ultimately leads to the establishment of a detailed agreement between GE and the school, ensuring a collaborative and effective partnership.

Choose Global Education as your trusted partner in educational transformation, and embark on a journey that transcends conventional learning paradigms, leading to a future-ready and empowered generation of learners and educators.


A- Due Diligence

Global Education (GE) takes a meticulous approach to its services, beginning with a thorough due diligence process. The primary objective is to align the needs, expectations, solutions, and services in a way that establishes a comprehensive agreement, common expectations, and clear planning between GE and the partnering school. This process may involve various data collection methods, such as interviews, questionnaires, on-site visits, and desk reviews of pertinent documents. Through these efforts, a detailed assessment of the school's needs is conducted, leading to the development of a robust improvement plan that serves as the foundation for the agreement between GE and the school.

B- Tailored Services

Our team of experts at GE is dedicated to designing a customized improvement and/or transformation plan that directly aligns with the unique needs and circumstances of each school. This plan encompasses the required services along with a meticulously crafted implementation roadmap, milestones, and timeline. To ensure the effectiveness of these services, an evaluation framework is implemented, systematically assessing the impact and performance of the implemented processes to maintain high quality.

C- Agreement Drafting and Signing

Building upon the insights gathered through due diligence and the identified needs, GE and the school collaborate to draft and sign a comprehensive agreement. Two primary models of collaboration are typically considered in this process: GE either assumes full management responsibility for the school, including financial risks, or empowers the school by executing the agreed-upon improvement plan in exchange for service remuneration. The choice between these models determines the nature of GE's engagement with the school, ensuring a tailored and effective partnership that meets the specific requirements and aspirations of each educational institution.

Our Services

Curriculum Enrichment
Change Management
Teacher's Training
Brand Development


360° Student Assessment

At Global Education (GE), our commitment extends beyond conventional education—we are dedicated to cultivating a growth mindset culture that fosters the belief that every learner can excel with the right support and mentorship. We firmly assert that informed guidance and quality mentoring play pivotal roles in unlocking the full potential of each learner.

To actualize this vision, we have strategically implemented a multifaceted approach. Differentiated instruction, ongoing formative assessment, and personalized remedial and support plans form the core of our strategy, ensuring that learners receive tailored guidance to propel their progress. Recognizing the dynamic nature of education, we have developed a modern pedagogical approach, and our teachers undergo continuous training to seamlessly integrate this methodology throughout each academic year.

Our progressive approach is designed not only to meet current educational needs but also to anticipate and adapt to the evolving landscape of digital and blended education. Through this, we aim to foster areas of excellence within our educational framework. To achieve this, all departments and teachers engage in regular reviews, critically examining how digital methods enhance their teaching and contribute to an enriched learning environment.

By encouraging a proactive approach to pedagogy and technology, we strive to create an educational ecosystem that empowers learners and educators alike. Our commitment to the growth mindset culture underscores our belief in the limitless potential of every learner, driving us to continually innovate and refine our educational practices. Through this dynamic approach, we ensure that Global Education remains at the forefront of providing high-quality, personalized, and forward-thinking education.

Our Process

Global Education (GE) is dedicated to being a steadfast companion for schools embarking on a transformative journey. Our involvement spans the entire spectrum of the transformation process, commencing with the meticulous identification of areas for development. Through collaborative discussions, we work with schools to agree on a tailored improvement plan, ensuring that it aligns seamlessly with their unique needs and objectives.

The implementation phase is where our commitment truly shines. We provide a comprehensive suite of relevant services, coupled with ongoing coaching and support, to facilitate the smooth execution of the improvement plan. This multifaceted approach is designed to empower educators and administrators, fostering a sustainable and impactful transformation.

The true impact of this deliberate and gradual change process becomes evident within a span of 3 to 5 years of implementation. This timeline underscores our commitment to the long-term success of the schools we partner with, allowing for a thorough integration of innovative practices and sustained improvements in various facets of the educational environment.

The partnership development process with each school is characterized by a rigorous due diligence phase. This involves a deep dive into the school's current status, challenges, and aspirations. Subsequently, we craft a bespoke proposal tailored to the specific needs of the school, outlining the range of GE services that will be most beneficial. This process culminates in a mutually agreed-upon partnership between GE and the school, formalized through a signed contract that solidifies our commitment to the shared vision of educational excellence.